Vinyl Cleaning and Maintenance
We would not recommend steam cleaning of our vinyl products for the following reasons:- Over application of heat and steam may cause de-lamination of the vinyl product (the layers may separate).
- If the product is fully adhered or perimeter stuck the heat generated from steam cleaning can cause the adhesive to fail.
- The heat over time will soften the surface wear layer of the product causing damage.
- The heat can cause varying issues with the surface layers of the vinyl.
- The heat generated from steam cleaning can cause the vinyl to expand and the product to bubble up from the sub-floor.
- The heat and pressure generated by the steam cleaner can cause the edge joints of the material to curl. Unfortunately there is no conclusive test data available at this time as to the extremes of heat and pressure that most steam cleaning machines will run to and until available we unfortunately cannot condone their use.

Vinyl Maintenance
Your new vinyl is tough and long lasting. To help it stay in tiptop condition, here are a few useful hints:
- Place large surface plastic castor cups under any arm chair legs and heavy furniture and appliances.
- When moving furniture or heavy appliances which may have sharp feet such as washing machines, freezers, cookers, etc, slide a piece of hardboard or inverted carpet underneath, manoeuvre the appliance onto it, then slide it out onto a second piece of hardboard.
- Avoid subjecting the flooring to stiletto heels, sharp knives etc. and hot surfaces such as saucepans.
- Heavy objects with thin edges can damage the surface of vinyl floor covering e.g. an iron, heavy tins etc.
- Prevent damage to your floor covering from grit brought in underfoot by having a doormat at entrances from outside. This will save unnecessary cleaning up as well!
- Do not use latex/rubber-backed doormats, unless stipulated by their manufacturer that they do not stain vinyl products, as this may discolour your floor covering.
- Mop up spillages on the surface immediately.
- Remember, that non safety floorings are slippery when wet.
- Sweep up any pieces of grit and dirt.
- Regularly damp mop with a suitable micro fibre mopping system and diluted floor cleaner, following the manufacturer’s dilution recommendations.
- Thoroughly rinse the floor with clean warm water. Leave this to dry before walking on the floor.
- Do not use strong detergents, harsh abrasive powders or wire wool scouring pads, as they will damage the surface of your floor covering.
- Always mop up any spillages immediately.
The following can permanently stain your new floor covering:
- Shoe polishes.
- Some veterinary ointments.
- Hair dye and other preparations.
- Bitumen/tar tracked in from freshly resurfaced roads and pathways.
- Wax crayons.
- Some powder paints.
- Some highly coloured foods e.g. Ketchup.
- Some animal excreta.
Some rubbers, which contain certain antioxidants, can permanently stain your floor. Rubber of this type is often used in the manufacture of backings for rugs and mats, protective feet for furniture, wheels for trolleys, rims for assorted objects and equipment, as well as low cost shoes and slippers (these can all produce a yellow staining on the heavily trafficked areas of your floor).
Tarkett, One of the leading vinyl manufacturers recommends the use of the following cleaning products:
- Dettol Complete Clean Multi Purpose Cleaner,
- SainSainsbury’s Perform All Purpose Cleaner,
- Tesco All Purpose Cleaner,
- Strong bleach and pine gel products are not recommended.